World Vasectomy Day


Many doctors, family planning advocates and community organizers often toil in anonymity and at great personal sacrifice while never swerving from their commitment to serve a purpose and a cause greater than themself. This award honors an individual who has dedicated his or her life in service of others and leaves a legacy of excellence that others might follow.

Dr. Charles L Wilson

United States

A man of extraordinary

And diverse talents and Interests.

A builder.

An inventor.

A sailor.

A pilot.

A musician.

An incessant dreamer.

A brilliant businessman.

A first adopter of No Scalpel Vasectomy in the US, he developed the no-needle anesthetic that is the standard in North America and beyond, as well as refining instruments for the non-scalpel technique in his own basement. Through it all, he has helped men gain control over their life and fertility, while always recognizing the importance of care for women.

And having done more than 40,000 vasectomies, he has changed the face of vasectomy in Seattle, where the rate of acceptance is 3 times the rest of the country.

For his brilliance in life and work, as husband, friend and vasectomy guru, World Vasectomy Day is honored to give the Life Time Achievement Award to Dr. Charles ‘Chic’ Wilson.

Dr. Laurel Spooner

United Kingdom

Dr. Laurel Spooner was a pioneer who brought No Scalpel Vasectomy to the UK in the 1980s.

She performed 10,000+ procedures over several decades.

She helped form over 100 GPs in the UK and Ireland.

She brought her precision, her passion and her expertise on missions to the Philippines, India and Nepal.

A stalwart environmentalist and humanitarian, Dr. Laurel Spooner continues to dedicate her life to leaving a kinder and more compassionate world for future generations.

Dr. Ron Weiss


Ron Weiss is so famous for his vasectomies and his technique that in Ottawa men who get vasectomies say they’ve been “Weissed”. With more than 60,000 vasectomies and counting under his belt Ron has set the bar very high for colleagues, in quality and in quantity! Maybe you didn’t know this, but Ron is a musician and to really understand him, you need to listen to his CD, Arrow and Heart, with ballads like “You Mean Everything to Me” and the upbeat “Embrace”. He arranges the orchestration, plays guitar and piano, and sings lead vocals. He’s Canada’s and the world’s own vasectomy doctor/James Taylor protogé!

Mostly what you’ll realize is that this is a man who is filled with love and hope for all of us. To quote Ron, “For what it’s worth I choose to embrace today.”

World Vasectomy Day honors Ron for all the contributions he’s made over the years to the art and science of vasectomy, for his leadership, and most of all for the men, women and families, he has taught, influenced, and empowered.

Dr. Michel Labrecque


For hundreds of healthcare professionals globally, Dr Labrecque symbolizes dedication, commitment, mentorship, and innovation in the field of men’s sexual and reproductive health. For WVD, in addition to his professional career, Dr. Labrecque is an ally, a friend, and a creative and caring colleague who is always ready to change the world one vasectomy at a time. With this award, we recognize his contributions to male contraception through research, innovation and excellence, and his ongoing commitment to promoting vasectomy best practices around the world.

Dr. Ramon Suarez

Philippines/United States

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Dr. Ramchandra Kaza


Dr. Ramchandra Kaza is the father of no-scalpel vasectomy in India. He was a successful surgeon in 1992 when he learned the no-scalpel technique, and recognized that the value of this minor surgery to family planning was a needed, effective, and underutilized method of permanent contraception that had to be promoted in India. With government approval but no funding, and giving up his surgical practice, he set out to train doctors in 440 of India’s 600 districts, using his own funds until the government of India finally recognized the great value of his work to the nation. India now celebrates World Vasectomy Day for an entire month each year, largely due to the dedication of Dr. Kaza. Thank you, Dr. Kaza, for the lifetime of sacrifice and dedication to a noble and worthwhile educational effort on behalf of your country and all the others you have inspired.

José Antonio Castro Garduño


Is the lead trainer and certified for the Centro Nacional de Equidad de Genero y Salud Reproductivo (CNEGSR) at the Ministry Health where he is responsible for training and certifying doctors in NSV in all 32 of Mexico’s states. He’s the trusted and well-respected liaison between over 350 vasectomy providers who work for the federal department of health and has built a nationwide vasectomy program that would be the envy of most countries.

He’s also the reason that World Vasectomy Day learned of Mexico’s efforts, and through him made our first contacts with their program. Thanks to Dr. Castro Garduño, we have been able to work jointly to help promote vasectomy through Día Mundial de la Vasectomía and turn Mexico into regional and global leaders.

We at World Vasectomy Day thank you, Toño, for your friendship, and your great commitment to the doctors in Mexico, who have because of yoru passion, brought vasectomy to such a high level of success!

Nick Demediuk


Dr. Demediuk a.k.a. Dr. Snip is practically a household word in Australia. He has pioneered vasectomy and brought his passion and commitment to over 30,000 men and has launched a number of clinics.

His unwavering commitment to vasectomy, his generosity exchanging ideas with his peers, his lifelong pursuit of excellence and innovation, and his leadership in bringing World Vasectomy Day into its first iteration as an event in 2013 at Australia’s Festival of Ideas are examples of the energy and enthusiasm that Dr. Demediuk brings to his work and to our world.

He has participated in multiple NSVI missions, each winter’s Vasectomy ski seminar, World Vasectomy Day events and not least of all, passing on his skills to the next generation, including his own daughter. It all speaks to an unsurpassed dedication to extending knowledge and practical help as we engage more and more men in a conversation about male involvement in family planning.

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