Map of Vasectomy

- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 1152 of 2019.
- Only urologists can perform vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. They use the traditional method and no scalpel.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years old, they do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In the case of mentally handicapped persons, the Ombudsman’s Office must make the request with the consent of the legal representative.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information about vasectomy.
- Vasectomy cost
- Around Bs 750 to Bs 1.500
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Marie Stopes Bolivia: October
- CIEDS: November
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 26.130, 2006, any surgeon or urologist can perform vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 16 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- A person cannot be sterilized without his or her consent and the consent or assent of third parties (such as relatives of the disabled person) or a judicial authorization should never be requested.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Just a chat with the doctor to clarify doubts.
- No mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information about vasectomy, after reading it, the patient must sign it with his consent.
- Vasectomy cost
- According to federal law, all public and private hospitals must offer free vasectomy.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, according to federal law.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Vasectomy is free of charge in health centers, hospitals, social security and prepaid health insurance companies.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- There is no promotion, but there is a bill for the promotion of campaigns. It has not yet been approved.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 9263 of 996. Vasectomy can be performed by any surgeon or urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or the no-scalpel, no-needle method can be used.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 25 years of age, with at least 2 children, and the permission of their partner is required.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy, but a judicial authorization is required.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, there is a mandatory 60-day wait between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a family planning script, but it is outdated and apparently not used.
- Vasectomy cost
- R$500 to R$3000
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, the doctors can be urologists or general surgeons.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes, the public system meets needs.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Public sector: municipal agencies do it once a year.
- Private sector: It is recurrent and is promoted in Google ads, social networks and websites.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 1412 of 2010.
- Any trained general practitioner or urologist can perform vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, with local anesthesia. They use the traditional method and no scalpel.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In the case of mentally handicapped persons, the request and consent must be signed by the respective legal representative, with prior judicial authorization.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information about vasectomy.
- Vasectomy cost
- Around $250,000 Colombian pesos.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- National Vasectomy Day occurs mainly in November (World Vasectomy Day), with campaigns on radio, newspapers, television and social networks.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 20.418.
- Vasectomy can be performed by any surgeon or urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the office, with local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 21 years of age (according to state law), do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In cases of mental problems, judicial authorization requested by the patient’s legal representative is mandatory.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Only a prior consultation with the physician in which the consent is signed, with an authorization from a psychologist.
- No waiting days are needed between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the questions that doctors must ask men, this is in the law.
- Vasectomy cost
- $850,000 and $1,250,000 Chilean currency
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- No, but there is a National Health Fund program with Bono PAD that includes discounts on the procedure.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Private Sector: Discount on the procedure in June
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any general surgeon.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. They use the traditional, no-scalpel method.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In the case of mentally handicapped persons, guardians may make the request, but it is recommended that depending on the disability, there be a formal consent of the person in question.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- No mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information for counseling.
- Vasectomy cost
- USD 600 and USD 1,000 .
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- The public system alone is sufficient.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Public system: recurrent.
- CEMOPLAF: recurrent in social networks.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any general surgeon.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- The patient must be over 18 years of age.
- Young people without children, must sign the consent under notary public for medical legal protection.
- Married men with children must present the informed consent of their partner.
- In cases of mental problems, the informed consent of the patient’s legal representative is required.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Only a prior consultation with the physician in which the consent is signed.
- No waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is an informed consent form and application form.
- Vasectomy cost
- 1.500.000Gs to 2.000.000Gs.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- No, but it is free of charge only at the Hospital de Clínicas.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Only on social networks.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Only a urologist or gynecologist can perform a vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- It is suggested that men who wish to have a vasectomy should be over 25 years old, do not need their partner’s permission, with at least 3 children.
- In cases of mental problems, the informed consent of the patient’s legal representative is needed.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Only a prior consultation with the physician in which the consent is signed.
- A 3-day wait is required between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is an informed consent form and application form.
- Vasectomy cost
- $759.00 to $1500.00
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- National Maternal and Perinatal Institute: August to September
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Law 18.426, 2008.
- Vasectomy can be performed by any surgeon or urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In cases of mental problems, judicial authorization requested by the patient’s legal representative is a mandatory requirement.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Only a prior consultation with the physician in which the consent is signed.
- No waiting days are needed between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the questions the doctors should ask the men.
- Vasectomy cost
- $1,500 and $2,500 dollars
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, it is included in the Comprehensive Health Care Plan (PIAS).
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- The public system meets the needs.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Does not exist.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any physician surgeon or urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method or no-scalpel, needle-free method can be used.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age (according to state law), do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- A person cannot be sterilized without his or her consent.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Just a prior consultation with the doctor.
- No waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- No scripted questions for doctors to ask men.
- Vasectomy cost
- C$800 to C$1,287
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, but does not include vasectomy reversal.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Private sector: It is promoted through Google ads, social networks and websites.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any surgeon, urologist or family physician.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or the no-scalpel, no-needle method can be used.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age (according to state law), do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- Guardians of mentally challenged men may request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, interactive preoperative consultation.
- No waiting days are needed between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with questions that doctors should ask men:
- Vasectomy cost
- $350 to $4,000
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Private sector: It is recurrent and promoted through Google ads, social networks, websites and during sports games.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Any trained general practitioner or urologist can perform a vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The main method used is no-scalpel.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years old, no partner’s permission is needed, no minimum number of children.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information about vasectomy.
- Vasectomy cost
- Around $15,000 Mexican currency.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, there are about 256 hospitals that perform vasectomy.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes, at the Mexican Social Security Institutes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Intesive days of no-scalpel vasectomy: mainly in June (fathers’ month) and November (world vasectomy day) with counseling and family planning actions.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can only be performed by a urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. The traditional method can be used or also without a scalpel and without a needle.
- The patient must be over 18 years of age. It is not necessary to have children, nor the consent of the couple.
- In cases of mental problems, the informed consent of the patient’s legal representative is required.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, a counseling session is required and a consent form must be signed.
- No waiting days are needed between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is no script for the counselor.
- Vasectomy cost
- $300 to $400
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Pro Familia through Social Networks
- ISSS through social networks
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any doctor.
- The procedure is performed in the doctor’s office, with local anesthesia; they use the traditional method and no scalpel.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- In the case of the mentally handicapped, guardians may make the request, but it is recommended that depending on the disability, there be a formal consent of the person in question.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- No mandatory waiting days between the counseling session and the vasectomy.
- There is a script with the main information for counseling.
- Vasectomy cost
- U$ 200 to $800
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- The private sector campaigns only for social resources
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Only urologists can perform vasectomy.
- The procedure is performed in the office, under local anesthesia. They use the traditional method and no scalpel.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, the permission of their partner (when married) is required, but no minimum number of children is required.
- In the case of the mentally disabled, guardians can make the request, but it is recommended that depending on the disability, there is a formal consent of the person concerned.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- No mandatory waiting days between counseling session and vasectomy.
- There is no script with the main information for counseling.
- Vasectomy cost
- $400 to $1,000 according to APLAFA
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Social Security: Vasectomy days – February and April.
- APLAFA: It is recurrent through social networks.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained medical doctors and urologists.
- The procedure is performed in the procedure rooms in clinics, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel and use a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required. There is no consent scrip.
- There is a one-day wait between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no script with the main information about vasectomy.
- Vasectomy cost
- 40 USDs to 80 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, free of charge at majority of health centres from level 3 to level 6.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by training medical doctors and urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the procedure rooms, under local anesthesia, scalpel technique using a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission. There is no clear information on the number of children needed to perform the procedure.
- Men with mental problems cannot request vasectomy, it is the next of kin who makes the decision on their behalf.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required. There is no consent scrip.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no script with the main information about vasectomy.
- The patient is offered the service in the shortest possible time.
- Vasectomy cost
- 35 USDs to 100 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes it does at a free cost, patient has to be eligible as per the WHO guidelines and offers an informed consent.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by urologists only.
- The procedure is performed in the Mini-theatre, under local anesthesia. no-scalpel and use a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need their partner’s permission, nor a minimum number of children.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required. There is no consent scrip.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Each provider designs the counseling protocol that works best for them, but no standard script is used.
- Vasectomy cost
- 600 USDs to 900 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained health professionals and urologist.
- The procedure is performed in the procedure room, under local anesthesia. no-scalpel and use a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no consent scrip.
- Vasectomy cost
- Information not available
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes through USAID and UNYPA programs in different health centres.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by medical Doctors and urologists only.
- The procedure is performed in the procedure rooms in clinics , under local anesthesia. no-scalpel and use a needle.
- There is no minimum age. There’s no eligibility criteria but according to several studies done amjority of clients have produced at least 2 children.
- Men with mental problems cannot request vasectomy, a legal guardian in full use of his mental faculties must give consent on behalf of this person.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, it is a prerequisite according to national guidelines.
- There is no standard time period stipulated, but most cases are resolved quickly, as the turnaround time for people coming for consultation is short.
- There is no consent scrip.
- Vasectomy cost
- 50 Ghc (29 USDs) to 120 GHc (73 USDs)
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes it does, at a free cost and offered mostly in health sub district hospitals and general hospitals.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained Health Workers from mid-level that is, Clinical Officers ,Medical Officers and Urologists.
- With several peripheral clinics vasectomies are performed in procedure rooms whereas in Level 5 to Level 6 hospitals where Urologist are stationed vasectomies are done in theatre. no-scalpel and use a needle.
- There isnt any listed given that the country has not drafted an policy or guideline regulating vasectomy in the country. With no regulation or policy from the Ministry of Health and Government young males as young as 15 years have been offered vasectomies. The majority do not seek for permission from their spouses. Not necessarily, anyone who desires to have a vasectomy can walk in and get it done with the majority being LGBTQI, Men who have sex with other men (MSM) and men who have produced at least 4 children.
- Men with mental problems cannot request vasectomy, it is the next of kin who makes the decision on their behalf.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes they do provide extensive counselling sessions prior to acceptance of the procedure and an informed consent is signed as well.
- The procedure is scheduled as an elective theatre case therefore done with in a day or two. Every clinic, provider or organization formulates their own counseling script but there is no standard tool.
- There is no consent standart scrip.
- Vasectomy cost
- 12,000 Ksh (100 USDs) to 180,000 Ksh (1500 USDs) and most insurances if not all do not cover vasectomy.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Government hospitals do not offer vasectomy as part of the family planning package but urologists in these government facilities do offer the service on elective basis and charge it separately with a negotiated price.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained medical doctors and urologists.
- The procedure is performed in the Mini-theatre, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel and scalpel, in minitheatres require a needle.
- Men who wish to have a vasectomy must be over 18 years of age, do not need a minimum number of children.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required, patients are aware of the benefits and possible cons of vasectomy.
- There is no standard time period stipulated.
- There is no set script..
- Vasectomy cost
- 400 USDs to 1000 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- No, mostly private clinics and hospitals offer vasectomy.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes and No, if its serving medical purposes for instance patients who have undergone prostatectmy and have an indwelling catheter for a long time can benefit from vasectomy so as to reduce of recurrent epididymitis then insurances covers it along with other medical bills per that admission.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained general practitioners.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia. Can’t ascertain the technique given that little information is available with regards to the technical informatrion from providers but most likely used the scalpel technique.
- There is no minimum age or number of children, nor permission from the partner.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no established script.
- Vasectomy cost
- 30 USDs to 100 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained general practitioners.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia. scalpel technique using a needle.
- There is no minimum age or number of children, nor permission from the partner.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no established script.
- Vasectomy cost
- 20 USDs to 75 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by only specialists and Urologists.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- There is no minimum age, the minimum number of children is two and you do not need permission from your partner..
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- There is no established script.
- Vasectomy cost
- Less than 80 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained general practitioners and urologists including mid-level providers that is Nurses, Midwives and Clinical Officers.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- The minimum age is 40, the minimum number of children is three and you need permission from your partner but not in all cases.
- Men with mental problems cannot request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Consent is signed.
- Vasectomy cost
- Free of charge during outreach campaigns but in private clinics it costs 80 to 200 USDs.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by urologists only.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- The minimum age is fifteen years (For 15 to 18 years a guardian has to be present when the decision is being taken), has no minimum number of children and does not need permission from the couple.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Consent is signed.
- Vasectomy cost
- R15,000 to R16,000.
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes, at free of charge.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by urologists only.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia. no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- There is no minimum age, the minimum number of children is two and you do not need permission from your partner.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- No counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Consent is not signed.
- Vasectomy cost
- Less than 60 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Not.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by any trained health care providers that is; Clinical officers, medical officers and urologists.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia, no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- Any adult over the age of 18 can have a vasectomy. In public centers, most providers only consider men who have a child, but in private clinics this is not taken into account. You do not need permission from your partner.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- Yes, counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Sign consent in the family planning manual.
- Vasectomy cost
- 29 USDs to 150 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.
- Vasectomy Regulations
- Vasectomy can be performed by trained medical doctors and urologists.
- The procedure is performed in the clinics, under local anesthesia, scalpel and no-scalpel, needle injection done in procedure rooms in clinic.
- There is no minimum age or number of children, nor permission from the partner.
- The guardians of men with mental problems can request vasectomy.
- Is mandatory counseling required?
- No counseling sessions are required.
- There is no waiting day between the consultation and the procedure.
- Consent is not signed.
- Vasectomy cost
- 50 USDs to 80 USDs
- Does the country’s public system offer free vasectomies?
- Yes it does, one example is the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Zambia where the ministry setup a program to enable men get vasectomy a free cost.
- Does the country’s social security system perform vasectomies?
- Not.
- Promoting vasectomy campaigns
- Not.