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Dear Participating Providers,

Some of you are urologists, some are family practitioners and Ob-gyns, and in some countries, we work with nurses and nurse practitioners.  Regardless of your medical background, it is due to your hard work and unwavering commitment to excellence that we have grown to be the largest male focused family planning movement in history.  Thank you all!   

WVD’s primary objective is to inspire men to share responsibility for family planning.  The fact is, for now, and for the foreseeable future, a vasectomy is the best option for men whose family is complete, and certainly the right thing to do for our female partners.  It is a primary objective of WVD to assure that men have access to this option regardless of where they live.

We are well aware that your work is challenging.  For one, there are many cultures that continue to define fertility and child rearing as solely a woman’s responsibility. Along those lines, there are many myths and misconceptions that link vasectomy with castration as well as common fears about how it will inversely affect one’s capacity to receive and give sexual pleasure. 

To make matters more complicated, there have been, admittedly isolated, but serious examples of coercion and forced sterilization.  These human rights abuses not only victimize patients, but put a ‘mark’ on all of you. WVD does our best to assure transparency and excellence while combating ignorance with creative and compelling audio-visual materials and out of the box campaigns.

We also recognize that although a vasectomy may seem like a simple procedure, it’s a bit like making pie crust –   just a few ingredients, but hard to perfect. The trick is practice. And that means sustainable and consistent demand. Once again, we are working towards a time in the future when vasectomy becomes the acceptable norm for  men whose families are complete.

There are countries where policies also make your work harder. I won’t go into details, because this varies from place to place, but needless to say, we are consistently working through local organizations and allies to address gaps in policy.

Where demand is low and skilled providers lacking, we have partnered with NSVI (No Scalpel Vasectomy International) to bring technical expertise. For that alone, we give special thanks to Dr. Ramon Suarez, founding president of NSVI, Dr. Doug Stein, co-founder of WVD and Dr. Michel Labrecque from Quebec, Canada. In more ways than I can count, they are the reason we even exist.  

There are those of you are in a position to help us financially. We appreciate your generosity. There are those who desire to accompany our ‘sister/brother’ organization, NSVI or to accompany us on WVD global exchanges.  Always feel free to reach out to us.

Here are the very few and simple steps for being an effective World Vasectomy Day participating provider: 

  1. Sign up and join the movement.

 The more providers on our list, the more we can accomplish. 

  1. Go a step further and ask your colleagues to join. 
  2. Where possible we ask you to donate.  Many of you already are and for that we are very grateful. 
  3. Join us on our missions.

With more volunteers, we can reach more places and help train more doctors.  

  1. Very important:  Let us know how many vasectomies you do during the day of, and even the weeks leading up to WVD.  We’re developing an App to help facilitate this effort, while accumulating important information. Taking this extra step will help us enormously.

What can World Vasectomy Day do for you?

  1. All of the materials we create are free to any member. 
  2. We can create personalized audio-visual materials.
  3. We are developing an individualized google ad campaign to help your practice grow. Contact us to learn more.
  4. We generate press releases for your own WVD promotional event.
  5. We share an electronic press kit with logos, memes and poster art.
  6. We can negotiate better rates for vasectomy instruments.
  7. We will organize a WVD event in your community or city.

At the end of the day, we’re here to serve you, so let us know what you would like us to do. 

Our future is bright as long as we stick together… and build our movement, one vasectomy at a  time.


Jonathan Stack

Co Founder, WVD