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What can World Vasectomy Day do for you?

  1. All of the promotional audio visual materials we create are available to any member.
  2. We can create personalized audio-visual materials that help your practice grow.
  3. We are developing an individualized google ad campaign to find clients in your community.  
  4. We build awareness about the importance of vasectomy and, with awareness, an increase in demand.
  5.  We organize a quarterly lectures series that can provide CME credits through Université Laval in Quebec.
  6. We organize a yearly Summit to bring together the most passionate, skilled and curious physicians around the world.

Contact us  to learn more

  1. We generate press releases for your own WVD promotional event. 
  2. We share an electronic press kit with logos, memes and poster art. 
  3. Working together, we can negotiate better rates for vasectomy instruments. 
  4. Working together, we can organize a WVD event in your community or city or even country.

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Alison Weiner
Claudio Fogu
Jose Miguel Hernandez
Karina Martinez
Katherin Cordoba
Keith Kaback
Lucas Kochek
Mary Monaghan
Robin Reynolds
Rosalind Kent
Valerie Conley
Walter Gibson

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