I was fortunate to grow up at a time of optimism believing that if we raised our voices we would be heard and if we committed ourselves to positive and progressive change, over time – and with great effort – we would achieve victory.
And even though I didn’t support much of what our government did, I never doubted that my country afforded me the right – you might even say obligation – to stand up for my truth. Some might call this naivete or even delusion. I call it democracy
Sadly, today this feeling of optimism is not the driving force in our country or our world for that matter. Indeed, most of humanity wakes up in societies where democracy is failing to fulfill its promise, and in so doing is creating a generation of frustrated, scared and vulnerable young men and women.
From the beginning, World Vasectomy Day committed to ‘aggregate individual acts of love’ – in our case the conscious and personal decision to get a vasectomy as an expression of solidarity for women – ‘into a collective movement for social good’. And while we believe strongly in freedom of choice when it comes to family planning, at WVD we don’t measure success only by the number of vasectomies we inspire, but as well, by the quality and the quantity of conversations we help launch.

In that spirit we organize quarterly webinars, an annual Summit for vasectomy providers and medical students and a 24 Hour global celebration that brings together thousands of people and hundreds of doctors, reproductive health advocates and family planning specialists. This year, as well as webinars on technical matters of interest to our doctors, we’ll be hosting additional webinars related to sexual and reproductive health.
In that spirit, on March 8th, at 10 a.m. we present, ‘Rights at Risk, Solutions in Action: Innovation and Resilience in Sexual and Reproductive Health which brings together speakers from FP2030, ICFP 2025, the Reproductive Supplies Coalition, FUSA, Momentum, Midwives, doctors, medical students and friends and allies from around the world to address the current crisis.
What lies ahead in the coming months and years is unknown, but regardless of what unfolds, we must stand tall and raise our voices as one. Our resolve will be tested, but if we are to succeed, if we are to build a future grounded in kindness and compassion, one which protects our most basic reproductive rights, then men must take a more proactive and supportive role.
The future of our children….and their children, depends on the choices we are making now. And just as we ask men to become active and engaged partners in the sexual and reproductive well-being of their loved ones, WVD commits to being active and engaged partners in this global struggle.