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Advance notice for WVD 2024 in Zambia

Maybe it’s just me getting older or my youngest child being only one semester from graduating college, or simply a growing sense that ‘forever ain’t what it used to be’ but it does seem that time is passing faster than ever.  

Six weeks ago I sat in the same Istanbul airport anxious about the incredibly ambitious agenda  our Africa team had set forth in Uganda and Zambia. Six weeks later, I’m back at the very same table, heading home with more hope, faith and optimism than ever.

Twelve years ago, WVD didn’t have a plan to open its own clinics, but in August, to great fanfare, (see the video link below) we opened what is not only a vasectomy clinic, but will become a center for excellence to train doctors, and a gathering place for men who are committed to a more compassionate definition of masculinity.

And the energy is not just flowing in Africa.  In the next 3 months, we’ve got a training mission to El Salvador led by Dr. Michel Labrecque and Dr. Eloisa Gonzalez.  It’s the beginning of what we hope is a three year commitment to help their Ministry of Health bring vasectomy services to 33 public health facilities. One month later, we’ve got another training mission to Argentina which will be by Dr. John Curington, as Argentina prepares to become the host of our WVD 2025 celebration. 

And of course, Dr. Stein, WVD’s co-founder and executive director for NSVI, along with Dr. Michel Labrecque will be traveling to Zambia for WVD 2024 with more activities planned this year than ever.  

Highlights:  We’ve formed the Responsible Men’s Club which now has over 100 members. These are men who have gotten a vasectomy, or women whose partners have and then committed to educating others. There will be introductory classes for medical students, a training program both for local providers and for those who might want to lead a future mission, the annual Doctors’ Summit, a vasectomy road trip to a few major cities in Zambia, a Men’s Health Fair and of course, the 24 Hour Global Celebration.

Dreaming is easy. Manifesting dreams is not.  We need your trust. Your ideas. Your participation. Your support. 


Thank you,

Jonathan Stack, Executive Director