World Vasectomy Day

About Us

What is WVD

World Vasectomy Day (WVD) has emerged over the past decade as a movement to encourage and educate all demographic groups about an often-overlooked form of family planning: vasectomy.

With over 1000 participating providers from 30+ countries, every year since 2013, WVD has brought its headquarters to a different country inspiring more than 124,000 vasectomies around the world.

We aim to increase awareness of sexual health and contraceptive options and believe in the importance of encouraging men, to share in reproductive responsibilities and become an active part of the conversation.


Men take equal responsibility for family planning and have access to sexual & reproductive healthcare.

Theory of Change

Institutional Capacities and Alliances

Family Planning organizations and Ministries of health (MoH) need to strengthen their institutional capacity to provide quality reproductive health care to men, increase research on male engagement is required and more resources should be allocated by governments, donors and multilateral organizations.

Social change through creative storytelling

Narratives and gender norms around men need to shift so men see themselves as active and coresponsible agents for Family Planning.

Medical education and vasectomy Access to men

Doctors need to be educated in the latest and best vasectomy techniques, so men have easy and safe access to Family Planning and contraceptive methods.

Institutional Capacities and Alliances

Family Planning organizations and MoH need to strengthen their institutional capacity to provide quality reproductive health care to men, more research on male engagement is required and more resources should be allocated by governments, donors and multilateral organizations.

Social change through creative storytelling

Narratives and gender norms around men need to shift so men see themselves as active and coresponsible agents for Family Planning.

Medical education and vasectomy Access to men

Doctors need to be educated in the latest and best vasectomy techniques, so men have easy and safe access to Family Planning and contraceptive methods.


Jonathan Stack

Co-Founder and Producer

Born in New York City, Jonathan spent much of his 20’s exploring the world during which time he took an interest to film.Jonathan Stack is an Emmy Award winning and two- time Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker. In 1991 he founded GABRIEL FILMS and has since gone on to produce over fifty films for dozens of cable channels in the US and many television partners abroad. He has released several films theatrically and shown his work at many of the major festivals including Sundance where he won the Grand Jury Prize in 1998.While working as an independent filmmaker Stack has earned a reputation for his unique ability to gain access into forbidden and even dangerous worlds. His exclusives include, President Charles Taylor’s farewell speech to the nation of Liberia and a rare interview with David Miscaivage, head of the Church of Scientology. He has filmed inside Angola Prison over 15 years, travelled with militias in Guinea and Liberia and been to a last supper four times. He has filmed 10,000 feet below sea level and 20,000 feet above, told a few stories that took place thousands of years ago and even more stories that are happening today.He founded World Vasectomy Day with Dr. Doug Stein to inspire men world wide to part of the most important decision of our lives.

Doug Stein

Co-Founder and Urologist

A board-certified urologist since 1983, Doug Stein has focused his practice on vasectomy and vasectomy reversal since 2000. He provides vasectomy services at 17 locations in Florida and, as Development Director of No-Scalpel Vasectomy International (, he has helped develop vasectomy programs in the Philippines, Haiti, and Kenya. By a stroke of good fortune, he was “discovered” by filmmaker Jonathan Stack (the Founder of World Vasectomy Day), and so played a central role in “The Vasectomist” documentary and in the first World Vasectomy Day.

Simon Nasht

Simon is an internationally experienced documentary film producer who has worked extensively in Europe, the US and Australia, running successful production companies on three continents. He has previously been on the board of global media NGO Internews,has been on the selection committee of theEuropean Union’s Media Program and has worked for the Soros Foundation in Eastern Europe. A former foreign correspondent for Australia’s national public broadcaster, the ABC, he has also been a teacher at the European Film College in Denmark and guest lectured at many of the world’s leading film schools. He had written best selling biographies and is married with two adult children. He currently lives in Sydney.

Dedra Smith

WVD Senior Advisor

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