World Vasectomy Day (WVD) has emerged over the past decade as a movement to encourage and educate all demographic groups about an often-overlooked form of family planning: vasectomy.
With over 1000 participating providers from 30+ countries, every year since 2013, WVD has brought its headquarters to a different country inspiring more than 124,000 vasectomies around the world.
We aim to increase awareness of sexual health and contraceptive options and believe in the importance of encouraging men, to share in reproductive responsibilities and become an active part of the conversation.
Theory of Change
Institutional Capacities and Alliances
Family Planning organizations and Ministries of health (MoH) need to strengthen their institutional capacity to provide quality reproductive health care to men, increase research on male engagement is required and more resources should be allocated by governments, donors and multilateral organizations.
Social change through creative storytelling
Narratives and gender norms around men need to shift so men see themselves as active and coresponsible agents for Family Planning.

Medical education and vasectomy Access to men
Doctors need to be educated in the latest and best vasectomy techniques, so men have easy and safe access to Family Planning and contraceptive methods.

Institutional Capacities and Alliances
Las organizaciones de planificación familiar y el Ministerio de Salud deben fortalecer su capacidad institucional para brindar atención de salud reproductiva de calidad a los hombres, se requiere más investigación sobre la participación masculina y los gobiernos, los donantes y las organizaciones multilaterales deben asignar más recursos.

Social change through creative storytelling
Las narrativas y las normas de género en torno a los hombres deben cambiar para que los hombres se vean a sí mismos como agentes activos y corresponsables de la Planificación familiar.

Medical education and vasectomy Access to men
Los médicos deben recibir educación sobre las últimas y mejores técnicas de vasectomía, para que los hombres tengan acceso fácil y seguro a la planificación familiar y los métodos anticonceptivos.