Site icon World Vasectomy Day

COVID Consciousness

NOVEMBER 14th – 20th, 2020

An act of love for yourself, your family and our future

We Respect Covid, but it will not stop our movement

Dear WVD Friends and Family,

First off, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and that you are surviving what has been a very difficult and scary year. 

WVD 2020 won’t be holding a massive public event as we’ve done in past years, but we will celebrate as we always have – inside clinics, hospitals, private offices – with conscientious doctors and vasectomy providers doing procedures throughout the world. We are setting out to find 1000 providers to do 10,000 procedures in 30 plus countries.  As we see it, with Covid-19 causing endless chaos and confusion, our movement, grounded in kindness and compassion, has never felt more relevant nor more urgent.  

Remember though, to protect yourself and the doctors, when you get your vasectomy you have to wear a mask!

What lies ahead in the coming years is uncertain so unless you are sure you want a child now, men need to vigilantly avoid ‘mistakes’.  For many that might mean using condoms. For others, working with your partner to find the most appropriate option.  For some, now might be the perfect occasion to get that vasectomy you’ve been contemplating. Whatever you decide, be sure to communicate openly and honestly with your partner.

Despite the obstacles, there are many WVD activities planned for November with the 3rd annual Vasectomy Symposium, the launch of our Doctor Directory, the announcement of the WVD Academy, the partnership with Dr. Esgar Guarin in the first ever ‘mobile vasectomy clinic’, a virtual training retreat in Mexico, and the End Domestic Violence campaign.

Every year we try to pick a theme. This year, Covid-19 picked us and although WVD is by definition a movement of optimism, we recognize that fear, job losses, financial instability, personal doubts, illness and Covid related death are causing enormous stress. Many have found solace in family dynamics we might otherwise have taken for granted. Sadly, others have gone the other way.  Since Covid’s spread, the incidence of domestic violence has been rising everywhere. That is never acceptable and the voices of conscious and kind men must be heard in opposition.

To that end, we are asking each man who gets a vasectomy, each doctor who does one and each ally who has stood with us in the past and will stand with us once again, to sign this letter and donate at least $10.00. The money we raise will go entirely to WVD.

The challenges that we are confronting are serious, but by working together as one, we will succeed. 


WVD Team

Every doctor and every country will have their own policy, which you must follow, but here is what is recommended by Florida based provider, and WVD’s co founder Dr. Doug Stein.

COVID-19 Office Policy

  1. If you have had a fever, chills, or cough or if you have been exposed to someone with known COVID-19 within the past two weeks, we ask that you postpone your appointment and see your doctor for testing. If you see your doctor and get a note, there will be no loss of your deposit for postponing.
  2. Our staff and doctors will be wearing masks for YOUR protection.
  3. High-touch areas in our office (door knobs, light switches, reception desk, chair arms) are sanitized twice per day.
  4. Our policy is to assume that you are positive (but not yet symptomatic), with virus in your breath and on your hands.
  5. You and your partner must bring and wear a mask  for OUR protection and that of other patients. Homemade masks are fine.  If you bring children, your partner must stay outside with them.
  6. Upon entering the office, the receptionist will give you hand sanitizer to kill virus on your hands so that everything you touch remains clean. Then you will sign your registration sheet and consent.
  7. While waiting for your vasectomy, please distance yourself 6 feet from other patients in the waiting room or step outside the office until called. If you step outside, please use our hand sanitizer when you return.
  8. After your vasectomy, you will be given some of OUR hand sanitizer. But consider the main door latch (inside and out) to be positive with virus left on it by other men entering the office, and use YOUR hand sanitizer when you return to your car.

A movement isn’t a movement without a set of principles to guide us

Thanks to our donors!


Antonio Casale y Nicolas Samper
Tatan Mejía y Maleja Restrepo
Alejandro Riaño


OUR 2020

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